Preliminary Project Schedule

Project Updates:
October 2024
You will likely see the Horrocks trucks and surveyors our near your home this month. We are working to complete the parcel survey, which requires observation of property pins, to ensure we have correct boundaries designated. We'd like the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss the project; please use the form below or email us at to schedule the best time to meet with you.
July - September 2024
Over the next 6 weeks you may see Horrocks trucks in your area. Crews will be out along the proposed corridors verifying locations of existing sub-surface and overhead utilities. You may also see surveyors getting additional topography and property boundary specifics. Please contact Courtney at with questions or concerns.
July 2024
Environmental Investigation is wrapping up along potential corridors, but no route has been chosen yet. Our project team is verifying existing utilities and conducting risk analysis of the route alternatives based on those verifications. Once a route has been defined the map on the main page will update. For additional information, you can reach out to us at or add your email address below to receive project updates in your inbox.
February 29, 2024
You may see trucks and personnel in the project area from ERO – Environmental Resources Corporation. They are gathering visual data of vegetation and mapping wetland areas with GPS units. They’re trucks will be marked and they with clipboards, taking photos of the current conditions of the natural areas. First the first round they will access needed areas using the road Right-of-Way.
Our Impact in Numbers
More Water
Use this space to explain the above number.
Safe Drinking Water
Use this space to explain the above number.

Renewable Energy
Use this space to explain the above number.